Friday, February 8, 2008


please don't expect online books here. This blog simply focusing classic and variety books one must read during his life time. Glances on ancient and modern classic on global basis... A literature become classic when it influence heart of readers unconsciously by immense power of love. Fortunately most of the 'best seller books of the world' include the list of classic.

Many of banned books round the corner worth reading. How many of us know that "Lady Chatterley's Lover", a classic work of
D.H. Lawrence was banned as soon as published in 1928? If I asked to quote classic writers the list may include William Shakespeare, Charles Dickens, Oscar Wilde,Earnest Hemingway, AlexeTolstoy,Dostoevsky,William Blake, Victor Hugo,Leo Tolstoy, Jules Verne,Plato,Vaikkom Muhammad Basheer, John Milton......more and more..........Really I am in big confusion....

Selective reading required since it is impossible even a glance over all classic during once life time.
How many hands you can see if asked to raise hand who read a good books in ten or twelve months? The major issue one may face is the selection among short stories, non-fiction articles, poems, plays,etc.

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